Ellie's (Grade 7) Math Blog

An online space for Ellie and any other grade 7 students out there to get help and learn more math!

Friday, February 10, 2006

There and Back Again

Hi Ellie!

This time I've got some quizzes that take us all the way back to multiplication, factors and fractions and then back to where we are now; integers.

I'm also throwing in some movies so you can take the occasional break and see how things are done as many times as you like. ;-)

Remember, every time you refresh the quiz page or click on one of these links you'll get a new quiz to practice with! Here we go ......

So that's a lot of review and little bit on integers. I'm not sure if you started multiplying and dividing integers in class yet. If not, I've got a couple of movies below that help explain how it works. You can get a head start on the rest of your class!!

In future posts I'll continue to include review material from stuff we've already covered to help you improve and stay sharp. ;-)

Now, let's see what's on in the math theatre today .....

There's a lot here ... hmm .... maybe too much ... maybe I went a little overboard!?! ;-) Take it at whatever pace is good for you. Most of it is review. Spend most of your time on stuff that you most need to practice. A ... B ... C ya! ;-)


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